Showing posts with label outdoor gear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outdoor gear. Show all posts

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Rustic Living

Rustic Living and Cabin Life

Looking for an amazing site that deals with rustic living, country living, outdoor gear, and in general, anything to do with owning a cabin or cottage?

You should check out

A little info on them:


Rustic living, or “cabin living” is a way of life for many people.  Whether it is a weekend getaway at a nearby cottage, a backwoods cabin retreat, or a permanent living arrangement, the rustic lifestyle is much different than city or suburban life. There are different challenges with houses that are out of the way, including issues with water, power, TV, etc., but also many advantages, for instance, peace and quiet.


Cabin culture allows for a more relaxed way to design and furnish a home, most often referred to as “rustic,” “country,” “rural,” or even “craftsman” style. You may even hear people talk about “industrial,” “traditional,” “Scandinavian,” “Bohemian,” “French Country,” or “Bavarian” as design and furniture styles that seem to fit your vision for your cabin.
CabinSpaces is brought to you by a collection of highly qualified contributors that all own or permanently live in a cabin. They are craftspeople, artists, tradesmen, designers, and tech professionals- all with a passion for rustic living. The site started as a private sharing board with recommendations on items for the cabin and design suggestions. In June 2017, the decision was made to put the best recommendations into a website to share with others enjoying the same passion.
There are no advertisements on this site. Because Amazon has gotten so expansive, we decided to use that as the primary method to steer people toward if they want to buy any of our recommended items.
CabinSpaces is divided into the most intuitive separation of recommendations that we could come up with (trust us, it took a lot of tinkering to come up with!) and we are adding recommendations almost daily, as we have expanded our collection of cabin-loving editors.  Enjoy.